If you have a nearby big outodoor store (BassPro, Cabelas) or other try to handle a few different O/Us and see what you like.
Don't just shoulder them, move around as if following a target and note how they feel. IF you get the chance at the range, try to shoot a few different ones.
You can pick a very well kept one for about 60% of the new value price.
I liked Brownings and was planning on a Citori, when I scored a really good deal on a Beretta 686 White Onyx Sporting, still needed some work on the stock (LOP and grip), but it would have been the same with the Browning.
I prefer a plain good fitting gun.
I shoot a Baikal IZH27 when I am in Peru and have shot thousands of birds, clays, helices, ducks and partridges... it just fits me.

A very good gunsmith once told me "barrels shoot, but it's the stock that kills".