Jnyork: I disagree with your theory.
I know LOTS of gun store owners who give me a different view of things - to a person they say they are seeing LESS 22 ammo nowadays, WAY less than in previous years to stock their shelves with!
I think part of THAT is the big mail order outfits are selling more through the mails and it never sees a stores (LGS) shelves!
And I think the ammo makers are concentrating more and more on the high profit centerfire and 17 HMR markets - foresaking the obvious need for MORE 22 L.R. quality ammo?
I don't know for sure - but I do know for sure that ALL the stores I frequent seldom if ever have quality American made high velocity hollow-point 22 L.R. ammo - and this has been going on since October of 2,012!!!
I know that is when this "shortage" started because I was paying attention and wrote it down - October 2,012 (thats when it became glaringly obvious that barack husein obama would be re-elected!).
Thats 33 straight months now of "not enough" 22 ammo on stores shelves - something nefarious is afoot - NOT just some hoarders and greedy people.
I, like you, do FEAR the coming presidency of the hildabeast though!
LOTS of things will get worse when that comes about - not just ammo shortages
Hold into the wind