Me too:

I cleaned out cookies and it did improve performance. Go to the upper bars and open tools then click delete cookies.

However the caveat is that traditionally Internet Explorer MSN is the most troublesome. I go to Mozila Firefox and Google chrome and they perform OK. This time before I cleaned out cookies Firefox was also sluggish.

Here my service provider has been experiencing problems for the past 3 days. TV on and off. Phone on and off. internet problems. They said there was an equipment failure and the engineers were working on it. It would be fixed by midnight. That was 3 days ago. Wasn't fixed.

Now I'm getting buried with updated every day. For the past 3 days. 28 updates, 1st day, 28 second day and just now another 26 updates that I haven't installed yet.

I told my tech support rep that if it wasn't fixed I would be taking it up stairs to the big bosses. That wasn't an idle threat. But it is probably worthless.

Sounds like the current problem may be systemic and not necessarily unique to this website's configurations.

It gets more complicated as the years go by.