It’s worse than anyone thought.
Not only were John Kerry and Barack Obama fleeced by Iran in the so-called nuclear deal, but we now learn there are secret deals, details of which not even Kerry and Obama know about.
This just seems unbelievable, beyond mere incompetence.
The only way a deal could be made with a nation of liars and religious fanatics bent on the destruction of Israel and the West was if there was an ironclad system of verification to ensure beyond any doubt that Iran was not developing a nuclear bomb.
But there is no 24/7 verification as the president said there was in this deal. Iran gets a month’s notice of “instant inspections.” But if that’s not bad enough, here’s something you likely didn’t know yesterday: apparently, one of the secret side deals allows other parties to conduct further negotiations on verification. Apparently, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism gets to determine who verifies whether it’s cheating. No American inspectors will be allowed.
This is insanity.
Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. had no choice but to agree because the alternative, as President Obama has said, would be war.
Well here’s the other “secret” that everyone but Obama and Kerry seems to know: There’s no avoiding war with Iran. It’s a fait accompli.
Israel cannot, should not and will not allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon — period, end of story, deal or no deal.
And here’s another thing, a part of this deal, that Americans might not know. It requires the U.S. defend Iran’s nuclear capability. Can you imagine the U.S. secretary of state signing that? Can you imagine him agreeing that not if, but when Israel defends itself by attacking Iran’s nuclear capability, that the United States will be obligated to come to Iran’s assistance, against Israel?
We’re reminded of Toodles telling Peter Pan as he was crawling around Wendy’s bedroom, “I have lost my marbles.”
The only way the United States should respond to Iran’s intent to join the world’s nuclear family is to bring the country to its knees economically. We were well on the way to doing that, and while it will be more difficult to continue it if Russia and China, among other sanction partners abandon the effort, we have no choice.
All we can hope to do is delay Iran in building its bomb in the hope that something will happen in the meantime, perhaps an overthrow of its fanatical government. But if that doesn’t happen, Israel will act, and we should act with them, to ensure that this rogue state never obtains a nuclear weapon.
Iran’s official state policy is the destruction of Israel, and we’re next. You can’t make a deal with a nation like that. Why would you even want to?
We are depending on the U.S. Senate to end this debacle.

A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks.