Originally Posted by Archerhunter
Who the HELL seperated police officers and "civilians" into seperate categories?

More importantly WHY?
This us and them horseshit needs to go bye bye.
before it's too late.

It's even worse than the racism bullshit imo.
Killing off a troop or two of crazy fuggin jig a boos will be easy.
The others will be a real war.

People in this country better straighten the fugg up!

Police have been referring to non-police as civilians since the start.

As far as actions go that is nothing new either, you just get to see video of it now.

The only difference now versus years ago is the officer didn't immediately get rewarded during a ceremony due to the little prick filming him.

Do you honestly know of any instances where a perp could threaten an officer with death while carrying a firearm and not end up arrested? As you see, there is clearly a dividing line and always has been, just as it should be.

You can't have police consider themselves to be part of the public since that might have a chilling effect on completing their mission. They have to dehumanize civilians just as any other army would their opponent. "Civilian" is no different than calling other enemies a kraut, nip, jap, raghead, gook, or whatever else.

"My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we'll put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it." - Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn