Originally Posted by Huntingnut
Originally Posted by Blackheart
I don't really care one way or another. I've seen enough people needlessly roughed up or killed by cops over the last few years that I just can't muster much sympathy.

Needlessly? If you personally know that many people who have been roughed up/killed by police I question what type of characters you associate with. I'm getting pretty sick of all the cop hating on this site, granted by just a few. But it gets tiring.
Didn't say I knew any of them personally but I do watch the news. The latest incident was just a couple weeks ago with Sandra Bland or whatever her name was and yes, she was needlessly roughed up. Furthermore, I have come to view the cops as little more than paid govt. thugs that are mostly just here to make sure none of us peasants get too far out of line and turn over a sufficient amount of our income to keep feeding the giant leech. We have VERY LITTLE crime around here. There has only been one murder in my old home town in my lifetime and that one was committed by a retired NYC cop. The ONE TIME I ever called the cops in my entire life was when my car was broken into. Some lowlife smashed out a window and stole my stereo and my favorite Buck knife. The cops refused to do a damned thing to try to find out who did it. They just laughed and told me I watch too much TV when I suggested they try to get fingerprints.