Mr Batte, My Dad was an avid, shot every day of season but Sunday hunter, Ive seen him drop high birds and folks would say I be damned! I would ask him Dad how far did you lead him, he would say "as long as a whores dream!" Then he would say about "3 gun lengths son!!" He shot a 28 mod and 7.5 high brass 16 ga. We used to get Super X then he got a deal on Federals... good times, this new farming has em rolling the peanut hay and moving it out of the field, harrowing it right up and into a rye,wheat cover crop, dove shooting is nothing like it used to be here!!! I beat him one time in my entire life! 16 birds in 17 shots.... never again,and he told me as much! He did pay me a small compliment, he said" damn Bud you were ON today!" v best winpoor