Bob, exactly right, often folks judge the worth of of a caliber or bullet on limited situations or limited conditions.. What we need to keep in mind, what happens when things go wrong or conditions arent perfect.. With today's huge whitetail population, and the practice of shooting deer over bait or food plots makes some think all hunting is this way..
Often on public lands or in an area with short seasons and heavy pressure things do not always go as we plan.. And as you mention deer vary a great deal in size.. So for me it makes good sense to go a heavier caliber and bullet ..
Several mulies I have shot were huge.. I was not able to begin lifting them into the pickup.. They were not common, but they were ALL the kind of buck we hope to find, but seldom do..
It is easy to sit at one's computer and say, I wouldn't take a chance shot, but we know at the end of a long hunt, most will take that shot..
Also a consideration is many shots at truly fine game come in the last minutes of day.. Here is where I want more bullet weight, and a larger caliber..

Molon Labe