since this is posted in the competition room, for all you lurkers out there trying to decide if its worth coming to the meet, the following prizes have already been donated and it is growing.......

HOA award will win......
a case of ammo, folding knife, dual shell pouch, gun rag, and a coolie.

ftf trophy winner will win.....
the trophy, a picnic cooler, gun rag, and a coolie. (last place must fill cooler with drinks and ice and give drinks to ftf members upon demand @ next meet.) if 1st place wins the cooler, we must fill it with drinks for the 1st place shooter @ the presentation ceremony, out of the clubs fridge, so the winner can drink them going home!

2nd place will win.....
a portable safe, shooting bag, business planner, and a coolie.

a mystery door prize again, to be determined on meet day.......

Retired Military Aviation
Former Member, Navy Shooting Team
Distinguished Pistol Shot
NRA Certified Instructor/RSO