Mr. Dale Atkerson gave me a nudge that there was the Professional Knifemakers Association show in Denver this weekend so I went to the city for a look, I'm closer than he is laugh
The makers are turning out some beautiful knives and I enjoyed seeing each mans take on a basic form.
I'm reminded why it's so hard to buy a knife for someone else, different people have such different tastes and each maker has a signature style.
Lots of Damascus blades and beautiful exotic handles. Some Tactical knives and forged kitchen knives a collection of Randall knives and a few Loveless clones plus the nicest people you'd ever want to meet.

Try as I might,I couldn't find anything I needed and I tried hard to spend a few bucks, nope, couldn't do it.

It made me realize how well the Campfire is connected to have the makers we have here!

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen