lots of great info, thanks Guys I'm open to more opinions as well. needs to be a new machine, will be used for mowing primarily with the possibility of heavier cover, possibly other stuff as well like hauling a little wagon W/ 25 gal sprayer.it will be used primarily around a 4000+ acre private conservation property so it could be used for more than just yard work. I do have a big JD with 3pt mower to do the heavy lifting.

part of the reason I was interested in the raven I linked previously, it might serve lots of purposes around here, only problem is they are so new and unreliable I don't want to be wasting money possibly. on the flip side if it works as advertised with minimal problems it would be the cat's pajamas.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.