Originally Posted by ingwe
Thats actually a good idea Rev. Only issue there is the forend...its too long and has a Super grade Swivel installed......so it would have to be rasped a bit, set back, re-install ebony cap and maybe rechecked...

Also, I don't know whats on the butt of those, but if its not English Red, it will have to go too....

The forend tip on the Dakota 76 is 9.5 from the action face. Any idea of the distance on yours? Also, how far is the barrel swivel from the muzzle on yours?

Shoot, you just need to leave me yours in your will and you'll save me a lot of headache!

"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown