HEY! I have not been upside down since I traded off the two wheelers for four wheelers!

Sometimes far from horizontal on both axis, but never upside down. GRIN

One of my buddies lost a Blackhawk a few decades back, from what he thought was a secure holster, while riding a two wheeler in the hills. We know who found it and took it home, but my buddy did not have the serial # recorded and could not prove it was his. BIG OOPS!

And last winter I found my single seven riding sedately on the floor board of my Vinson while out feeding stock. It had slipped out of the Bulldog nylon holster.

I am a bit gunshy of unsecured handguns, so I intend to err on the side of caution.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.