It was a quick 'n' dirty trip, just down there, buy the gun and go home. I didn't really have time to look around at the remodeling job they did.

My work schedule sucketh mightily, and screws with my gunshopping time.

My only criticism is that it's hard to find "brand clumps" of say, Winchester, Ruger, whathaveyou. They haven't gotten THAT organized just yet. With their business volume, I can understand that, though. GADS! there's a lot of product in that place.
Darrik has done a great job modernizing Whittaker's. It used to be a bit dark and dreary, despite the fantastic inventory. Now it's a lot more open and much better lighting.
Mongo like!

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.