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A look at the bull I hunted for nine days, through the spotting scope. I found him the day after opening day, and for the next week and a half, I didn't get much sleep....He had quite a bunch of cows he was tending, so I knew it would be almost impossible to lure him away from them by calling. I chose to put all my effort into ambushing him. For the next three days, the wind didn't cooperate, and allow me to get in close, much less pick a good crossing to wait by. Over the years through trial and error, I've found by not pushing a hasty, risky move and take a chance of blowing them out, if you have the time, wait until the conditions are in your favor before getting aggressive. The morning ritual for this bull was coming off the heavy timber in the dark, feeding until daylight, then heading back into the timber for the day. Of course he was following his harem, led by a lead cow that has an IQ higher than mine. Never one time did they leave in the morning and use the same trail.
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From about 400 yards on day one. You can see why I didn't get much sleep! I had spotted this bull last year, about two miles from this area. I had some through the spotter pictures of him, and was sure it was the same bull. He had grown a lot....really a lot.

Luck....is the residue of design...
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