... or at the very least limit the number of notifications in a given day.

I'm what you might call very board savvy. I owned and operated boards for over twenty years - my first board, which I sold to Rivals, was built on Matt's Scripts.

I got out of the business of building and selling forums a little over six years ago, but up until then I thought I had seen every form, every iteration of UBB PHP software known to man ... and I thought I knew how to tweak preferences on all of them.

But not this forum.

I've tried preferences, I've tried subscriptions (which shows I have none btw), I've tried watched topics.

I get a ton of email notifications and all of them have the same thing at the bottom ...

This email was sent to you because your profile and/or board configuration allows it.
You may change your preferences at any time.

... but I'll be damned if I cannot figure it out. I mean I get subscribing to the thread automatically unless you unchecked the Watched Topics radio button. But how to unsubscribe afterwards? How to change settings to once a day or once a week notifications per thread?

Thanks for any help in advance.

BTW, I am intentionally subscribing to this thread.

What you think about, you do ... what you do, you become.
In a nation where anything goes ... eventually, everything will. We're almost there.