Thanks for the info, Wayne. You are correct that others may have different opinions, and I am one of those.

I make my own wiping rods, chamber mop tools, and rod guides. I believe mine are superior to those offered by the known vendors, if only because of the details that are labor intensive to produce, not because they are of a totally unique and original design, more like an improved version. Well, perhaps my rod guides, which were mentioned in an article in the Single Shot Exchange, my sole two minutes of fame in this arena.

For awhile I sold a few at matches, but it proved to not be worth my time. I will still make an item occasionally, if somebody really wants it. I also donate them for prizes at matches. These days I have other things going on in my life, and I'd really like to get back to pulling the trigger more often.

In your article you make the important distinction between bore cleaning rods and wiping rods. Granted, each type may serve the other purpose, but it will be less than optimal. That's why I don't put handles on my wiping rods. I don't see the point of having such an appendage flapping around when you are on the line. Different strokes, quite literally.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.