Originally Posted by Johnny Dollar
You really don't want one - they aren't as accurate as everyone says.

They are more accurate than you can imagine and you should get several.

Just yesterday I was murdering some starlings that kept trying to roost in a red cedar windbreak. At about 175 yards, one young bird landed on the very top spire of a cedar. Just as I was about to shoot the bird took off. I was all set up on the tree top so I moved the crosshairs to the twig and fired. The 17gr Hornady sawed the spire off slightly lower than my aiming point. To me that is nothing short of magic

Starlings are underrated as varmints. We used to bait 'em, wingshoot 'em when they flocked up in the winter, and sit on the porch and snipe 'em in the locust trees where they nested. They're smart and fast, tricky fliers. I wish the .17 HM2 had been around in those days as it would have been perfect.

What fresh Hell is this?