In 1953, the population of the US was 160 million and there were 569,000 people civilly committed to mental hospitals.

In 2015, the population is 325 million and less about 50,000 are civilly committed in a mental hospital.

That means there are roughly 1 MILLION mentally ill people walking around in our society. The bigger question isn't "How can there be so many mass shootings?", but "How is it there aren't MORE mass shootings?"

Here's a very informational report that talks about how the adult mentally ill are either:

1. At home with parents or by themselves, who must wait until their mentally health degrades until they are an immediate danger to themselves or others before they can acess mental hospitalization

2. Homeless on the streets.

3. In Jail/Prison due to crimes (assault, robbery, murder) or drug use.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

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