On paper the Monarch 7 do seems like the one to beat. I visited Gander Mt and looked through the 10x42. I did like them better than the Zeiss Terras. Zeiss felt heavy where the Monarchs were maybe just light enough. Wish I could say I fell in love with the Monarchs but to be honest nothing they had really wowwed me as I had expected them to. I would say I liked the Leupold Mojave best even though it isn't ED. What I disliked about it was the funky shell. So I am left to keep looking and think i just don't want anything made in China. The Mojave is made in Japan I believe (but I found that out afterwards). I may go take a look at Cabelas Guide Series version of (basically) the same binocular for about $100 less. Case looks better too. FWIW

Last edited by kenjs1; 10/07/15.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius