Originally Posted by rost495
RE ww primers, if they are brass color they are soft. If silver they are some of the hardest out there...

TI pin... first time you pierce a primer you have a really expensive paperweight... FWIW.

The issue can be as simple as too light of a trigger. Anything 3.5 pounds or so or less, thats not 2 stage, generally speaking, can give issues.

And some of those are related totally to how the gun is held, how it recoils and how you hold/pull/reset the trigger...

Rost, I have a good supply of silver WW's circa Y2k and they are very soft. Same for the new silver WW pistol primers I bought.

Did the specifically harden the cups on their small rifle primers, because I haven't noticed it on their large rifle, pistol, or shotgun primers?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell