go to a local oil change joint, like jiffy lube (the smaller the town the better), tell them you need an empty oil barrel,specify 25-30 gal as they will have an assortment,you dont really want any bigger than that ..Ive never been charged for one.Then just use tie wire on the trap chain, forming a hook to hang on the side of the barrel so you can just pull them out without having to fish for them.

You will of course have to clean the barrel out. One boil with some Lye added will do the trick (sani-flush is the easiest way to buy lye,available in most grocery stores). I also like to boil my traps in lye and let them get a good coat of rust before going into the dye..just the way i do it, lots of opinions out there on how to prepare them..

I made a cooker out of a weed burner bought at a cal ranch store..heats up the dye/wax very efficiently