Apparently, the climate is changing...for the better.

Are You Getting The Facts About Climate Change?

Every time you turn around it seems the mainstream media is telling you how dangerous climate change is, but you may not be getting all of the facts.
In fact, far from it.
For instance, the International Federation of the Red Cross recently put out its 2014 Natural Disaster Report, and Marc Morano of Climate Depot told KTRH there were some interesting findings.
“Not only is there not increasing trends because of extreme weather, but there are actually either no trends or declining,” Morano said.
There hasn't been a Category 3 or higher hurricane that has hit the United States in a decade. So then why don’t the mainstream media point that out?
“They like ratings, and they like to hype different events. It sounds more exciting to say this is unprecedented or historical,” Morano explained.

Other findings from the report include the fact that tornado activity has remained flat or gone down since 1950. And 8,186 people died last year from disasters, down from a 10 year average of 76,500.

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.