Interesting dilemma. I've never been a fan of mid-October because it's the obvious transition time (upper midwest for context) as crops change, deer patterns change etc. And, at that time trail cams have proven over and over the bulk of the movement is night time only.

Now, if pre-rut includes the very last days of October/early November (for purposes of your direct question, we'll call this "late pre rut" *grins*) I'm picking that one over mid-October and the rut. Big bucks can be on their feet in daylight and in their core area. Find a hefty rub line, get the right wind, prepare thy mind and make it happen. smile

The rut can be boom or bust but it is nice to sit all day and possibly see activity at all hours. The downside, if the/a good one you're targeting is locked down with a doe, you're SOL for a couple of days. This time of year is also frustrating due to the erratic behavior of the baldies that are being persued.

Toss some warm weather in the mix and you'll wonder if there's a deer in the same county.

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