Originally Posted by 458Win
It is funny how stories change over time, both over repeated telling as well as in our own minds.
I thought Don said he was teaching a group of aspiring PH's elephant behavior in a National Park when the incident happened. He was intentionally "pushing" the elephant to illustrate their behavior when it decided not to play and Don let it get close enough that when he finally decided he had to kill it the momentum of the charge brought it close enough that one of the tusks broke Don's arm.

And I understand the Park officials were none too pleased.

I tell things differently depending on who I'm speaking to. I try to speak to the listeners ability to understand.

For example, I'm currently working as a millwright in a large metal producing plant.
I describe issues differently depending on whether I'm speaking to another millwright, an electrician, or production guys. I often speak only of what's relevant to who I'm talking to.

And I also say things in different ways to try and illustrate different points being discussed.

I think everyone does this, at least to some extent.

"Chances Will Be Taken"