Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Trump is not perfect or close to perfect, no politician or other mortal is. I certainly disagree with him on world trade. We have a global market and must embrace it.

He is spot on when he speaks of illegals invading and on some other issues.

I like the fact that while the politicians were busy spending our taxpayer trillions Trump was busy making (and keeping) billions.

The truth is that Trump was and is a very poor financial manager/businessman. An independent analysis showed that if he had simply taken his substantial inheritance and invested it in the market at the average market return he would be worth substantially more than he is. In other words, his business acumen is so bad he actually underperformed the market from the day he got his inheritance to the present moment. The idea of Trump as savvy business man is a myth.


Hindsight is real damn easy, wouldn't you say? "Had he invested it", in what? How many jobs would that "investment" have created? Much of his inheritance was PROPERTY, so some jack leg says sell all of it[and pay taxes on this] and risk investing it elsewhere? Seriously?
Seems like he did pretty well on his own.