Originally Posted by S99VG
Wow, I dig the crazy stock on the F. Of course the one above it is pretty nice too.

That was Loggah Don's brothers rifle. It's a beaut. It may get a NOS Chicopee 1-10" 250 F barrel before it's all over... Wouldn't that be a sweety?! If I EVER find a gunsmith.

Funny/sad story. Wife and I took a defensive pistol course recently and the facility had a "gunsmith" up front. On breaks in the class we would wander around and I asked this gunsmith what he worked on. "I work on everything". I noticed a Winchester 250 lever action 22lr in the rack so I told him I'd been having trouble finding a gunsmith that knows anything about Savage 99's. Told him I had some rebarrel projects but couldn't get a guy that knew how to make them feed, rotor swaps, etc.
He launched into a tirade about how he felt they were an inferior effort at duplicating a Browning BAR and that they were prone to breakage and just an overall POS. As he expounded in great detail about the Savage 99 me and the guy next to me just looked at each other, eye's rolling back in our head. I said, "Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about, guess you can't help me either". Guy next to me says, "No, SAVAGE 99, you know, lever action, internal rotory magazine..." Gunsmith- blank stare, stumbles for words. I turned around and walked away.

Punk had never even heard of one.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack