
I'm taking it all................(grin)


It would be cool,to get that close...............

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Thanks for the splainin'.

If I can get permission,I will order one.....................


Burris extry high Extreme Tac's. While not being Badger Max 50's...I'll take 'em over the JipJap Quickaloo FlipFlop schit currently in vogue.

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Marty 50's/BHW MK12 SPR spout and 10x MQ..................

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Mil/Mil is more tactile,MOA erectors being far more mushy....whether 6,10,12 or 16x. Hint.

The Illuminati being the most positive of the litter.

The 10x MQ is a solid sonofabitch,for Giggle Glass. Whether talking ele or windage,1/10 increments are easy to digest,even for folks who ain't no good with numbers. There's nothing to round up or down,in order to synch with the nearest "click". Nor is there ANYTHING new to "learn",so as to press same into service.

No need to think in "inches",as it ain't applicable. ALL you need to "know",is to input good data into JBM and then confirm zero,install stops and then flog on the system to the limits of the platform.

This is actual data,for one of my Anschutz 54's,wearing a 75MOA rail and a 10x MQ. 50yd zero and dope ran in 10yd increments to the 500yd line(though in actuality,it will reach 725yds+). What you see is a JBM generated chart,as it falls outta the software program,factoring 10mph full value wind as a constant,which allows easy breakdowns.

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From the 50yd zero,a 440yd poke would require (4) complete revolutions of the elevation turret and (4) "clicks"...which takes about 3 seconds to input that requisite 20.4 Mils. A 20mph full value wind at that distance is a 10.6 Mil correction(double the 10mph constant) and I'd dope the erector 10 Mils and slide the .6,betting that the conditions will change. That would grant me 5.6 Mils of diminishing wind velocity or directional change and 4.4 Mils of velocity increase,due the ability to slide the windshield either direction to contend atmospheric swaps...less having to touch the turret again. I inherently default to Most Remaining Moves Mode,especially upon something,where every 1mph of full value influence is greater than halfa fhuqking Mil(.53 Mil per every 1MPH with this ammo,in this atmosphere,at the 440yd line). Hint.

10x MQ seethroughtitude is a money making sonofabitch. Hint.

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For conversation,you just moved elevation impact 322.8" in it's height(from it's 50yd zero to 440yd impact) and 167.6" in it's 440yd 20mph full value drift...less "converting","factoring","extrapolating" or "relearning" a fhuqking thing. Hint.

Same dope factored by JBM as the above,but inches and Mils for conversation. Note that every 1mph of full value wind shifts impact 8.38" at the 440yd line. Wanna get GOOD in the wind,stretch a KILLER 22LR out and you'll learn more in a day,than you have in your Life. Hint.

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The new MOA/MOA are steps in a positive direction,if only to add ability,compared to how heavily compromised a miserly 5 Mil ele stadia is by default. Losing globs of schit on the windshield and gaining finite tickmarks that are easier to subtend and hold hard,will only add merit to the system. All of that is lovely,but I'll happily trade same to reap more tactile adjustments,that stay put in superior fashion. Hint.

Pass the 10x MQ,if only because it's always about the Big Picture.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."