just called him, I was wrong, he shoots whatever he wants at it.

It's 30 inch steel pipe that's 1/2 inch thick. he then bought a piece of armored steel and had the steel place bend it to fit the curvature of the pipe. he used a hydraulic jack to press it into place.

he says it's the hyper velocity rounds that will mark the steel. .223 and .22-250 being some of the worst culprits, says it does more damage than a .375 or .45/70 rds. he's shot into it.

so when he's shooting the hyper velocity rounds he puts a 6 " piece of glue lam beam in front of the armored steel to slow those bullets down and save his armored steel plate for future use. He says they make better armored steel than what he could get here locally, so being in Cali, I like your odds of getting a better grade of armored steel for your trap Rob.

the pipe is cut with a slant on both end like this / / and the top is at a steep angle of course for the armored steel and target.

and sand in the bottom so he can reclaim his bullets, particularly the lead ones as he casts bullets himself

when I was workin on my GMC in his garage recently he broke out his fully auto bb gun and hung a target in the trap and fired off a few hundred rounds. He's got a paintball adapter on the bullpup stock so he can run a big canister of CO2.

he's the biggest overgrown kid I've ever met and he's a hoot.

hope this helps Rob, good luck

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.