Right on SamO. I'm a casual twister at best, and I've been very comfy with my Leupy's as well. Between myself, Big Al, and a small handful of hunting buddies, I can tell you for certain that over 2100" (11 animals) of muley bucks have been accounted for with Vari X II, VX3, and VX6's just since 2006. I've said it so many times here it's become redundant, but if I were Mackay S, Formid, or someone who makes a living twisting, I'd take their advice and get a NF, SS, or HDMR. For a pure hunting, non-twistingtheeverlovinshit out of turrets, a guy will probably never wear out a Leupold. I'm willing to separate the two, almost completely opposite practices, but many here are not.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.