Originally Posted by stxhunter
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by contendershooter
I like what Trump says, and a lot of what he says is right. We do need to halt people coming in from countries who are terrorist HQ's and from countries who have leaders that support terrorist organizations.

But there is something more here. We as a people have had to vote for the lesser of two evils for some time now. Until we have a really good third party candidate that could bust that up, not much will change.

We are back to where you have the Hildabeast leading the democrat side by a large margin and us Conservatives MUST be smart and put someone forth that can beat her. Poll after poll show that Trump can't do it, Carson can barely do it and Rubio can do it.

I think at this point and I hate to say this, a Rubio/Cruz or Rubio/Fiorina ticket is probably the best way we don't have Obama 3.0 aka the Hildabeast and slick willie back in the oral office again...

I would love to see Fiorina debate Hillary directly, she would absolutely destroy her.

If you nominate Bush, not much will change, Christie would be devastitating to gun owners and he would keep Obamacare, Rand Paul whom I really like to see as Pres would probably be better served as Fed Reserve chair or some other auditory function within the Federal government...the rest well.......

You're nuts.

no chit, going by what the lying ass media says.

I am basing this on what the fickle American voters have put in control for the past 8 years...all of us on here including myself knows the media are all for the democrats no matter whom they nominate, so we can't continue to blame the media on why our guys don't get in...we have to get out and vote. I know we out number those who like the democrats