Originally Posted by Seafire
all of this grazing on public land thing...

cattle are eating stuff that is pretty much not used otherwise, that will just wither away, and new seeds will produce new plants...

pretty renewable... and the feds aren't really selling it to anyone for any other reason...

it use to bother me that these ranchers get to let their cattle graze on Federal land, until I really thought about it.. and came up what are they hurting or who are they stealing from...

to me, its like, if I dip a cup into a creek and drink the water, have I stolen water from our federal government or the public trust? or does that start at 2 cups, 3?

In my opinion these protesters were harmless in the long run.. bunch of guys with a gripe... and the Malheur Refuge was a poor choice to voice it and make a stand over.. 60 miles south of a small town out in the middle of nowhere...

just west of Riley ( a cross roads), which is 17 miles west of Burns, there is a sign on Hwy 20.. no gas for next 99 miles.... turn south on Hwy 395 South, there is another sign.. no Gas for that many miles or more...down to Lakeview...

This is a place where there are more coyotes than cows out there... and 500 sage brush plants for every ONE blade of grass....

Water? Could be stealing it from a rancher, a farmer 1,000 miles away, or a municipal utility. Out west, every drop is owned by someone. Heck, in Colorado , you can't even have a rain barrel because that water "belongs" to someone else. smh

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