Originally Posted by Paddler
Just watching the debate. So refreshing to see an issues-based contest, as opposed to the third grade behavior of the Republicans. Why would we ever elect a child as President?

Which issues were tackled in this debate? The issue that Hillary has a super-pac backing her and the Burn doesn't? Or that she would 'look into' the possibility of releasing speaking engagement speeches[Goldman Sachs, big oil etc]?
The above seemed to be a simple yes/no question, but in typical Hillary fashion......
That the Burn wants free healthcare/college/electricity/donuts/dogfood....for all?
That big money needs to be taken out of politics-But I'm not going to be the first to do so?
Which other issues were discussed?

Ok,ok,ok I got it, that Hillary and the Burn both respect each other[of course other than the Burns insinuations that Hillary is IN with Big Money].