Read this earlier this morning....

growing up around metro DC.... and close enough to Baltimore, and know the social problems from way back..
I had this thought....

This will of course get me labeled a racist by the leftists in our midst...

but think for a moment, if say there is such a thing as the Rapture, and God decided to 'call all of his Afro American Urban Dwellers HOME' from the District and Baltimore...

Suddenly no more Afro Americans in Baltimore or in DC...

Both cities would be a ghost town in many parts...

One could only imagine what would happen to the crime rate... the robbery, looting, raping etc....Virtually most of it, if not ALL of it, would be gone...

Think of the reduction of welfare expense, needed by the Federal Government and the State of Maryland...

and of those Afro Americans that had jobs, think of how many vacancies would suddenly be within the City and Federal Jobs.. especially at the lower end jobs in DC and the vacancies in the City of Baltimore for City, County and State Employees also...

A large part of the social and fiscal problems within both cities boundaries would decrease very very substantially....

now apply the same thought to cities like Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, Boston, New York, metro LA and San Francisco...

Representing only 13% of the population, look at the expense to keep then afloat....not much of a contribution financially to our economy, but certainly a disproportionate drain on it...

and until they find a new cause to champion, how many votes will the DemocRATic party lose? what percentage of it would go out the window? what would hard core leftist DemocRATS suddenly do with their lives...

Thinking of the loss of just this group in our society, plainly shows the price tag for "diversity", and the expense of our social welfare system, and all the peripheral expense that goes along with it...

in what proportion are the Afro Americans that are incarcerated are from urban areas?

how many of our major cities would suddenly be ghost towns?
at least large parts of them....

When Afro America screams about the demand for reparations for 'slavery' ( gone 150 years now)... lets look at the price tag the nation already pays then as it is and what little many of their kind are adding to the prosperity of this nation...

I could go on, but was just a thought to put into perspective, I thought I'd share with the campfire here...