Gee, scary stuff. Anyone else notice they met the troll criteria ?

Blanket is a real master of the veiled threat.
Of course like ALL the others a mass of hot air.

Dirtfarmer s-t-e-t-c-h-e-s credibility to the limit to justify multiple lies and pirating threads. Multiple handles are not the CAUSE, they are the EFFECT of relentless, irrational, hatred focused on anyone who dares to not toe the troll gang's line. What kind of person who has so little a life that he sits on his computer enough to make 15,000 posts in just 5 years. 8 posts a day every day for all these years JUST on this site. Heaven knows but I can bet, he's on a dozen other sites doing the same thing.
Assume he works and sleeps so that means the computer is his mate all the time he home and awake. BTW, I hardly expect you to like me. You could just leave me alone... but then you couldn't claim to be in control, could you ?

You two, your ilk and I both know that I'll be canned again as Bin has proven he reacts to whining not the facts.

But unlike the flotsam of humanity, those of us who have a life control the game, not these sad sacks.

To the gentlemen I have dealt with over the years on this site ... Thanks. Be confident that I'll be back to provide accurate advice and money to buy your unwanted items.