Originally Posted by Calhoun
Originally Posted by kingston
Honestly, I really don't understand Cruz's appeal and never did. He's so patently fake. Behind the facade, I'm betting there's a metrosexual pretty boy desperately hoping sass and placation are enough to keep the world from seeing him. He reminds me of a terrified actress who hides from the world in plain sight. You know the type who believes as long as she's on stage she's in control and as long as she's in control she's safe.

Really? Hmm.. He's got a history of actually working to defend our rights and lots of video to back it up. Never looked terrified to me.

Yes he is a great speaker(remind you of anyone?) is an attention whore and has no friends on either side of the aisle. Unlike you I will hold my nose and vote for him , you and your ilk sat home last time and allowed Obongo into the WH.