Originally Posted by Sycamore
Originally Posted by JoeBob

The problem for them is that Trump is completely immune to money or intimidation and they are really worried at what might happen if they lose control.

My God, you are a wishful thinker.

Every thing he has ever done has been about money and intimidation.

All the magical thinkers want a hero to arise and save us. It will never happen. Normal people are going to have to get out from in front of their TV and off their bass boats and get involved in politics.

And it's not going to happen. Between reality TV, the NFL, and the internet, the public has surrendered control to the politicians.

Mitch McConnell can refuse to work with Trump just as easily as with Obama.


The thing is, the GOP had some folks willing to raise that sort of hell (Tea Party) for a short while. As soon as they won the 2010 election, they blew them off. It was bad enough that the left was marginalizing them, but even the GOP marginalized them.

The libs can turn out an angry mob at a moment's notice. The GOP had their own angry mob, for a very short while, and turned their backs on them.