Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
Well I always have before. Gettin kinda old to change

So you're saying that the votes have always been a technicality,...that the RNC has always hand selected the GOP nominee?

Yes sir, it's been the Republican Candidate in every Presidential Election since I turned 21 in 1961 except one and that was George Wallace. Would you have voted for Lyndon B Johnson, Howlin Hubert Humpries, Jimmy Carter, or any of the other Democrap Abortions they've put up as Presidential Candidates for the General Election in last Fifty Plus Years? The last viable Candidate they 've put up for election was Harry S Truman in 1948.

When I turned 21 I registered as a Democrap, I was living in Florida, if you weren't registered as a Democrap there was no one to vote for as everything was decided in the Democrap Primaries there was no one to vote for.

de 73's Archie - W7ACT

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