I put in for a cow tag in the same season/area and could kick myself for not going PP first choice cow 2nd.

I've got a couple of young guys joining us this year so wringing out more rifles and gear than usual - not a bad chore.

Already picked up a new frame backpack from Wilderness Specialties to replace the old meat hauler from Cabelas and new OR gaiters to replace the cheaper ones that leaked at the end of a long day last year. Young guy gets to use the older stuff.

After hunting elk long enough I don't really need new gear - just replaces stuff that wore out or didn't perform.

We never know how long we get to hunt elk - one of our guys had cancer surgery last year but was able to hunt after getting all good news. Modern medicine really is something - this guy is a Marine who had them find it on a flight physical. I'm fast approaching 60 and want to be elk hunting at 70 but you never know so you might as well enjoy the hunts you have left.