Redfield made two different Jr. (one-piece) bases. One type does not fit the standard factory holes and has the rotary dovetail located between the screws - if I recollect correctly. The other does fit the factory holes but has the rotary dovetail located in front of the receiver ring. The Leupold is essentially a copy of this base. I too have had no problems with older Weaver bases. Lyman made a "TruLock" two piece mount that fit much like the Weaver base but had a different style ring and attaching system. Lyman private labeled these for Savage. Leupold also made a one-piece "Adjusto" mount and a two-piece "Detacho" mount (someone at "Leupoldo" must have liked putting the letter O on the end of their product lines). The Adjustos look something like the one-piece Redfield base but are completely different as they allow for mounting scopes with no internal adjustments. The Detachos are two piece bases that kind of resemble Weavers, but with quick release levers.

Last edited by S99VG; 04/15/16.

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