Damn buddy. I've seen some beat up ones sell for upwards of $1,000.00.... Well, by "beat up", I mean not immaculate like my 4506 and 4006... Let's just say the 1006's I've seen were well worn. I'd also think GB would be a damn good place to look to see what the value is on your pistol. If they sell for that price, that's what guys are paying for them, that's what they are "worth"... Kind of a weird concept. Fotis' estimate is a tad low in my opinion...

Keep an eye on this one and see what it sells for:


Caribou, I look forward to seeing some pictures. If I were going to buy a 10mm. the 1006 is the one I'd get.. If I remember correctly, you are a collector of the 3rd. gen smiths, but sold some off the last couple years...One being a nice (almost new) 1006. You sold that one for $800.00, which was WELL below market value... There's a reason that pistol didn't last more than an hour and a half in the classifieds here. Just a thunk.. wink

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.