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Yes that was a big snake. Here I am rooting him out from the lid of the propane tank.
See, Mrs. Mouse would go up in there and make a nest and have babies. Mr. Copperhead went up there for dinner, and just stuck around. This was the third copperhead I found up in there, so I got these snake tongs off of ebay for 45 bucks.

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Here is the viper in the cooler. I put him in the cooler and drove him way out into the country and turned him loose. Hate to kill any of God's creatures if I don't have to.
Also got 2 king snakes and 3 corn snakes in that same lid to the propane tank. A corn snake is almost identical to the copperhead.
The best way to tell a poisonous snake is, the poisonous snake has a big broad head. Looks like an arrowhead. On the copperhead the head is about 2 times bigger than the body.
On the corn snake the head is the same size as the body.

Corn snakes, and king snakes eat mice and rats! You don't want to kill an innocent snake they are your friends.

Last edited by simonkenton7; 04/25/16.