Originally Posted by kid0917
Originally Posted by Wahnsinn
so we can spend most of our time exploring the state and enjoying life outside.....

sorry to have to correct you so early.. but "outside" when you are in Alaska means, anywhere else other than Alaska. smile

suggestion: put in for the Denali Road lottery right away (it is open only in May to enter, for September pass to drive in using your own vehicle... enjoy. I had 6 great years up there!!

Noted grin

I was actually just talking with one of the ladies at the realtor about the lottery, sounds like that would be pretty cool to be able to drive that far in. Right now, with the weather and the buses not running yet, they've opened the road up to mile 30. So we'll probably give that a run as well in the meantime.

Today is moving in day though, thankfully we just have what fit in our cars, should be a relatively short ordeal.