Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I learned how to make hydrogen. You get a glass one quart coke bottle, put in 2 tbsp Red Devil lye, and put in five or six strips of aluminum foil.
Add 4 oz. water and it starts to foaming and it makes hydrogen.
Get a big balloon and put it over the top of the bottle, in a few minutes you have a hydrogen balloon.

I knew about the Hindenburg.
I got 3 of those balloons and tied them together. I made a gondola of aluminum foil, and tied it to the balloons.
In the gondola I put a lit cigarette, and stuck a cherry bomb into the cigarette near the filter.

Launched the little flying bomb, and up it went. Had to get the binoculars out but it was up about 500 feet, and about 1/2 mile away when it blew.
There was a flash, and then a big explosion. Real big.
But no noise. It took several seconds for the noise to be heard.

This was in 1965 right near Peachtree DeKalb Airport in Atlanta. I hate to think, if a kid got caught doing that today, they would have me down at Gitmo getting waterboarded.

Baloons filled with Methane gas work about same..