Spent a good amount of time with my youngest this weekend, a lot of it outside just enjoying spring and a good bit of thinking about things as well.

We bequeath to our children this world. What we're leaving them today is a damned mess. A kid born in 2016 would have parents born in the 70s or 80s, grandparents born in the 50s or 60s, great-grandparents born in the 30s or 40s, and great-great-grandparents born in the 10s or 20s. To be blunt, that entire lineage back to and only excepting maybe part of the great-great-grandparent generations has screwed this place up royally and that's what we are leaving our kids.

Those born in the 20s fought WWII and saved the world from totalitarianism. Yet, they failed to take out communism, allowed it to get a foothold in the educational systems globally, and they gave birth to and raised the "Boomer" generation.

Those "Boomers" latched onto communism/socialism being taught to them by those their parents didn't get rid of, they were the Hippie generation, and bought in whole hog to this "social justice" horse crap, and failed miserably to recognize or address the rise of militant Islam.

They, then, in turn took the communism/socialism they'd learned and passed it on to their children (GenX and GenY) who now knew a world run by two generations of latent or outright socialist/communists and figured that was the way it was supposed to go. Being coddled and "Spock" raised didn't help, and the whole concept of "equality" spilled over into a view that militant Islam is just a small portion of the Muslim world; that the Muslims aren't really bad, just misunderstood - a complete farce of an idea.

The Millenial generation, have now three generations of communist/socialists running things, and being even more coddled and protected than X or Y grabs back their parent/grandparent concepts of the 60s and wants everything for free (outright socialism) and have very little - if any - concept of Freedom, Liberty, or Responsibility. But, Hell, how could they when the last three generations before them have worked diligently to make sure that such things disappeared under the weight of communist/socialist ideology? They refuse to accept that radical Islam is a dire threat to the entire human population; worrying instead about how they "feel" today about gender and race and being true "social justice warriors".

All those combined decades of a socialist/communist agenda embraced by generations; all that social justice horse schit that we've allowed to continue; all that denial of the threats in the world, have added up to make this world less safe, less free, less just, and less responsible than it has been in centuries.

This is the world we're leaving kids born today, and I'm not even getting into religion (save castigation of radical Islam) or the natural world or energy. IF, somehow, they manage to un-f'k this place and rekindle concepts of Freedom, Justice (real justice, not that social justice schit), Liberty, Responsibility... well, they'll have to do in in the face of global tyranny not seen since perhaps the days of the Founders. IF, by some Miracle, they manage to do that they'd likely want to leave their living ancestors off to die on their own and go piss on the graves of their dead ancestors.

Ben Franklin once quipped about what kind of government we had then established; "A Republic, if you can keep it". Well, we couldn't. We'd once made the world safe from tyranny, but allowed it to come right back in. We'd once established a system as close to true Justice as had been seen, and we've thrown that away under the guise of political correctness and retribution. Today, if we're honest, we can only hope that our kids somehow figure out what has been lost and a way to get it all back, or in fact, to recreate it anew, because we sure as Hell aren't leaving it to them as we should have.

We've royally f'ked this place up. Sorry, kid...

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.