Originally Posted by fats
RAS, you're not alone in thinking Trump is a KOOK. He is! It's a shame America has got to this point. If Hillary wins so be it.

For you Trump followers...

Would you be okay with your children growing up like him?

Or you daughter marrying someone like him?

I know, I know, he's gonna build a wall.

Yeah he is a Kook who spent 900K on his campaign in Indiana while Cruz spent millions. Have you looked at Cruz's fathers background before you typed what you typed? The old man is certifiable, the old man and his son made a lot of really stupid commentary this whole while and no one called them on it , they sure fooled a lot of bible thumpers for sure. A kook does not raise kids like Trump has first of all. There are 2 sides to him Showman and real person. We never get to see the real person.