Since many people here had positive thoughts and prayers a couple months back when my Mom was sick, I thought I'd do a quick update. She was misdiagnosed multiple times by the local gastrointestinal folks here and we ended up having to take her to Seattle urgently. She ended up losing here colon and now has one of those bags for the rest of her life.

The good news is that, SHE'S ALIVE for one. Secondly, she's come home, is able to walk around the house again and take care of herself after months of assisted living. I even caught her out pulling weeds in her yard the other day. She's getting used to the new reality of the bag and that's kind of depressing, but at least she is able to resume a normal daily routine and not feel like a burden on everyone.

All politics aside, and you all know what I mean by that, this is a family and friends thing, and is important. So I want to thank anyone here that sent us some positive energy during this time. I really appreciate it.

Take care,

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."