I haven't been one this site since September. Many things have kept me away, mostly the fact that my wife and I moved and did not get a computer that really worked until just recently.

I need some advice, and thought that this might be the best spot to talk about it.

On April 1, my wife and I decided to surprise my family and drive home for the weekend. We live over 6 away from them, so we don't get there often. Well, we had an awesome weekend...Friday, we went out for my sisters birthday and spent the evening at a local bar, closing it down with some truly mild, yet fun memories. Saturday morning, dad and I cooked breakfast for the family. I went to bed at 4am, but he and my wife stayed up until after 7am talking. We've been married for 3 years, but this was the first time they had such a good conversation. My dad raved about it all morning and day to me.mafger we cooked a breakfast big enough for an army, we spent the day together...the whole family, while my brother and I, who never speak actually got along.

Saturday evening, we went to dads favorite Chinese buffet. While we were waiting in the car for mom, I asked my dad why she seemed so upset. He responded "she worries about me and is mad that I was out drinking and up late, but I'll tell you this, I refuse to live my life on the sidelines. When the man upstairs calls, I'm going". That night, the whole family was together again...my sister and her family, my brother and his, mom and dad, and my wife and I. The 5 grandkids played in the other room Ike we all watched Syracuse lose 😕

I went to bed at 1130pm and at 1258am, my brother woke me up to say dad was going to the hospital. He has had CHF for 21 years, since he was 40. For 9 years, he had a defibrillator, and the last 9 months, a pacemaker.

I ran downstairs to see dad using an oxygen mas, still unable to breathe. I watched him walk, with EMT help, to the stretcher. He went into cardiac arrest 60 seconds later in the ambulance and they never got him back.

My dad was a truly religious and spiritual man. He pushed his beliefs on NO ONE, but was willing to talk to anyone.

I have been doing a daily devotion everyday for over a month and journaling throughout the whole thing. I'm wondering though...how can I add more? My wife and I are seeking a church, but we don't even know where to begin. She was raised Catholic, myself...Methodist. We want a church that we are both comfortable in, but we don't want to sacrifice anything for that.

Dad would want me to be in church, and I want that. I have such a desire for type of relationship with God that dad had...he was so comfortable in that relationship, and even at the end, he was prepared. He knew where he was headed...just not when.

We have just started looking seriously over the past month or so, but I'm getting a strong desire to be in church on Sunday, and I don't even know what I want.

How did you know where you were supposed to be? How did you pick your church home? Was it what you were raised in, or did you find it later on in life?

Sorry for rambling...I just couldn't stop typing once I started.

I'd rather have a bad day hunting than a good day working!