I was bumming around the back 80 on the family farm in southern Maryland one day. Those woods are a nasty jungle of what we called "mountain laurel", some sort of rhododendron. My uncle kept the property lines pretty well cleared on the south side, the north side is a stream and the west is a field, the east a powerline cut. I was cutting across from south to north. When I got to the stream, the darn thing was flowing in the wrong direction! I just knew it should be heading to the left, but it was going to the right? I started to go with what I knew, but changed my mind and went with the stream. After I took a few steps down stream, my internal compass realigned and I knew I was headed in the direction I wanted to go. It was an eye opening experience to say the least.

Stupidity is expensive
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!