woke up last Friday,( 5\20}with a horrible sore throat.
called in , got a 940 am appointment on the way in to work. went in for an hour and a half, then went to see dr.

got a prescription for Zithromax, a antibiotic I have used in the past with great success.
not this time,though.it was evident by Sunday I wasn't getting better.
stayed home Monday, went back to the dr. in the afternoon got another, stronger med.
took care of the sore throat in short order, but the side effects are huge.one being a lot of people rupture tendons while on it. eek
well,every bone in my body, every joint hurts like crazy. not just a little, either.
started out in the middle of my back ,on day 3.
couldn't figure out what the hell I did to injure my back. any little movement would cause terrible pain.
went to bed lathered up in ben gay, tried to get comfy, not much luck.
woke up next day, back was fine ,now neck was so stiff, could barely move my head. And ,my groin was super sensitive.
couldn't hardly walk.
went off to work anyway, settled in to try to get something done,
decided to do a quick search for the name of the med.
found over 900 reviews on web md ,all of them negative, for the same reasons as me. terrible body aches and pains, also peripheral nerve damage, sight problems, nausea ,vomiting, rash( I got that one ,too.)
My girlfriend noted she was on it a few years back, with no side effects at all.
not me, now the pain has migrated to my abdominal wall muscles, damned hard to get up and walk around even. hands and feet are both tingly, feels like I got punched in the stomach, got a rash on both arms. stopped taking it yesterday, hopefully the side effects pass quickly, hopefully the sore throat doesn't come back. made an appointment to see my doc on Wednesday, just in case. they told me to stop taking it immediately.
I can only imagine what I would feel like, if I had continued to take it for another week, if I hadn't had the resources available to research it.
It worked great on the bug I had, but the side effects would likely have injured me pretty badly!

just a heads up.